Plus Subscription From version 2. Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud with the same Apple ID is enabled. It presents the airport data and weather clearly, succinctly, and is always up to date. AeroPix should be especially helpful when there's no or insufficient webcam coverage. Try out the free AeroWeather Lite first and move to Pro later for more features and functionality. Define multiple alerts for each station with the following criteria: Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud with the same Apple ID is enabled. aeroweather pro apk

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Do not rely on this application for flight planning.

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If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Many other improvements Improved map view with direct access to station details. If enabled in aeroweeather, user groups stay synchronized on all devices with the aeroweatyer Apple ID. The pictures will be available to all other pilots on the map or within an airport detail view helping them to get a better idea about local conditions. We are committed to provide professional and reliable services, however, AeroWeather is not for operational or navigational use.

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aeroweagher Depending on your needs, groups can be shown or hidden in the main list view. For example, you can also use the subscription features in the Pro version even if you purchased the subscription in the Lite version and vice versa.

There's only one subscription type which simply varies in time periods 1 month, 2 apj, 12 months. Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud with the same Apple ID is enabled. Requires iOS 12 or higher. The AeroWeather Pro watch app shows either a list of stations as defined in the Apple Watch group or all nearby stations based on the current location.

Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met e.

AeroWeather Pro 2

All weather data is cached for offline access. AeroWeather Pro comes with an Apple Watch app, which shows either a list of stations as defined aerowether the Apple Watch group or all nearby stations based on aeroweatherr current location.

You could sum it up by: Apple Watch app included The AeroWeather Pro watch app shows either a list of stations as defined in the Apple Watch group or all nearby stations based on the current location.

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Define multiple alerts for each station with the following criteria: Available in app and widget. This might be useful for your most favorite airports or home base. AeroWeather Pro now aeroweatherr built-in groups for earthquakes, ATC delays US onlynearby stations, today widget, and Apple Watch which can be individually enabled on the top level view.

Better organized with groups AeroWeather Pro now offers built-in groups for earthquakes, ATC delays US onlynearby stations, today widget, and Apple Watch which can be individually enabled on the top level view. Use QR codes to store and read your groups storage capacity is aerowrather to about stations ansd will be indicated in the app.

AeroWeather Pro - TAF/METAR/NOTAMS. Made for pilots.

Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met e. Use the open exchange format to transfer groups from or to your favourite tools more info.

When a detail station is shown you can directly swipe through the list without having to go back and forth which is especially useful on iPhones. Improved radar and webcam view.

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Plus Subscription From version 2. Data can be shown in pak original raw format or as fully decoded and easy understandable texts. Apps using AeroWeather integration: AeroWeather Pro is helpful for weather preflight-briefings, but also to just get very precise weather.

Improved runway section now also showing TAF wind situation and runway surface type mainly for US only. These purchases are apm transferable between Lite, Pro, and Mac. Available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The subscription is valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro.


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